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Sunday, August 29, 2010

Gosh...lots of dusty entries ya..it has been ages and so many things had happened in my life..

I guess i feel like pouring my heart to someone or something, in this case...

Maybe it's time i should call it quit! It has been ages we have been dating but it comes to nothing! He was in Singapore recently, during the long weekend of the National Day holiday n ya..we spent quality time together of walking, shopping and feasting...that's all! I can sense that he is simply not interested in settling down at all coz he told me to enjoy life n not bothered by things happening around me...well.actually im not really bothered but what's the point of us being together in the first place??Why does he bother to drop by Singapore if i mean nothing to him??Well that reminds me of how Deepak has been treating me for 3 years..he bothered to spend his Saturday nites with me....im juz a companion...not more than that!!why do i get to meet insincere men in my life?Why cant it simply be something straight forward for me..like..meet a man, fall in love n settle down?

Haizzzz..thinking of this alone can really rip my heart apart. I guess i must be such a strong lady that Allah has chosen me to test. I will still persevere coz i strogly believe that Allah has something good instore for me eventhough im already reaching 35 soon........insyallah!!

I rest my case... @ 11:34:00 AM

Friday, December 25, 2009

Someone who is close to my heart had shared wif me his culinary skill by preparing a dish which consisted of pita bread made by him. He's such a darling...I'm so turned on by men who can cook ..u know like that Aussie fella from d Take Home Chef Series, Curtis Stone. How I wish I was the one hanging out in d supermarket where he scooped up his 'victim' for his show. I dont mind laaaa....but one thing for sure, im so want to bring my sweet heart to Singapore n share d kitchen wif him..or should I say...share my life wif him...hmmmm...

hot in d wok!

voila...d finished product!

d handsome chef who has yet to visit a barber..hahahah

I rest my case... @ 7:20:00 PM

Ive juz revamped my blog after hours of html coding..so will update more soon..so watch this cute space...

I rest my case... @ 1:55:00 PM

Friday, December 18, 2009

Something worth sharing.......

A few days ago, i had lunch with an ex colleague at Qiji Century Square. I waited at our table while she went off to get her food. When she came back, I quickly stood up, unaware that my long, brown necklace was caught by the table and I forced myself to walk away. SNAP!!The necklace broke and the beads went jumping on the floor. Luckily it was not a busy lunch hour...and so...i was so shocked that I didnt know if i should feel embarassed too....well actually..i was more horrified than feeling paiseh...so i started to look around for my dispersed beads and what caught me by surprised was that the patrons there..some were eating while others juz idling...helped me to pick up all d beads including the broken ones!!Even d workers there did their part....i was really touched! Finally when all my beads were picked n surrended to me, one Auntie approached me n told me that she would be more than happy to string my beads back into a necklace...apparently she has learnt to do it somewhere..initially i refused since i tot i would juz wan to dump them away but she kindly insisted to do it for free n so we exchanged phone numbers. I looked at my colleague n was still too shocked to say anything..so touched by d kindness offered to me by d people around me...KUDOS to the crowd who was at Qiji Century Square on Tuesday, 15 Dec between 11.30 to 12 p.m. You guys really made my day!!!
And so today, i went to collect my necklace from Auntie Irene n she had beautifully piece the beads together. Im so happy,....on top of that, she gave me a pair of earrings and a handphone strap as presents. So nice of her. I had a short chat with her n wish her well before I left. i hope she will enjoy her holiday at Australia.
So..i guess if u have been making others around you to feel good, one day, others will do so to you out of d blue.Trust me!

I rest my case... @ 6:53:00 PM

Saturday, December 5, 2009

Let the pictures do the talking......feeling feeling Hawaiiii laaaa...

The infamous pose of hand on d waist....i didnt spend any single cents on the outfit coz i love colourful prints so i have a wardrobe full of them and this happens to be one of my favourites..u should see my flower power slippers bought from watsons.....
I muz say this was the luckiest table of the day...most of us brought home food and shopping vouchers..my number was 69...well...kamasutra number so i picked it..hahahahah but ive won a voucher that needed me to spend first then can be used..duuhhhhhhhhhh!!!
More poses from the gals.....enjoyed d day....20ish of November at East Coast altho food sucks and lousy, cramp space with terrible sound system and bad aircon..but hey..we were suppossed to feel d heat right????

More pictures coming soon...after my trip from the land of the rising sun.....SAYONARAAAAA!!

I rest my case... @ 1:35:00 PM

Monday, November 23, 2009

Yeah..i do have to agree coz it has been such a long time since my last update..can u imagine how busy and lazy i am?????

Now that im slightly free-er, i hope i have the time to do d updates yaaa...so many things have happened lately but most importantly, i hope i can remember my blog password coz it has kinda turned rusty in my head yaaaaaa..

OK..i will write more..this week is basically im down wif meetings n more meetings but im soooo looking forward to my trip...ahakz!!

Ok all d babes n gorgeous guys out there..i will be back soon...so watch this space!!!

I rest my case... @ 7:49:00 AM

Monday, May 11, 2009

Juz another long weekend for me again....being Monday is a holiday -in -lieu thingie..so started my day early with a trip down to d ulu part of Pasir Ris to get some stuffs for my Meowmeow at PetgaMart...me me n bro drove there but later to realise that it would only open at 11 a.m...still another half an hour to go. Luckily Kids Kampong is juz a few steps away so we paid a dollar each to feed the super hungry Koi fish...with pouting mouths and fat, colourful bodies. Had fun there feeding d fish which followed us anywhere in d pond since they could sense food. Other animals were found there too but no pigs...thank goodness. Then at 11, we hopped into Petgamart n was prewarned by my sis of 2 huge dogs. They were nowhere in sight...only a fat bulldog sitting on a bench nearby n not disturbing anyone coz it looked rather bored. Made my purchases n was busy at d counter when i caught a glimpse of something tall n big, with black dots, passing me, sounded like a hooves of a horse.....unleashed!!!Then i realised it was one of d gigantic dogs..my...it was super huge!!! I was sooo terirified of its size...as tall as me!!! if i were to see it face to face, i would definitely scream d hell out of there....then another one was abt to make its way into d shop...brown huge one but it was on d leash.....d owner waited for a while then made their way in..i squirmed n tried to hide behind my skinny bro as though he could shelter me from it....i was told to stand still so I did but God knows how frightened i was at that moment. They were like little ponies...so now seeing is believing. Anyway, that was quite an experience. In d afternoon, i went shopping with mum for about an hour plus n went home feeling happy coz i need to work only for another 4 days this week. Yipeee!!

what a place of discovery...i mean..we discovered this only now.....so suaku ahhhh!!
my bro n d pouting lips!!splish...splash!!

me n d fishy ones...n that goose reminds me of my kampung goose called Ang!!

the animals found at the place....

what a place!!

I rest my case... @ 5:56:00 PM

Sunday, April 19, 2009

What can I say..i love to pose and so does my cat...so now..i have a sexy model to pose for me..she is so photogenic. I really got to be patient with my camera to get all the right poses...but it all worth it in the end. She is like Hello Kitty with her Teddy Bear...i wish i could just stuck a red ribbon onto her ear and she will make a perfect Hello Kitty cat..hahahaha.So enjoy the pics.....from MeowMeow and Me!...
Hello..im MeowMeow...and my Teddy Bear is my bestest fren for me to chew n bite!

ohh..i think she is choking...and juz look at my provocative poses...one sexy pussy eh.

my BFF.....ohhh..i love my master's comfortable bed and she even has a pillow for me...

I consider myself a very lucky pussy, get picked from d street and now everything is taken care of....yeah...you can say..im vain and beautiful...well..i juz can't help it!! Meowwwwwwww!!

I rest my case... @ 10:55:00 AM